2010-2011 Chess Schedule
Area-League 6

League 6
Greece Arcadia+ 10
Gates Chili 9.5
School w/o Walls
Webster Schroeder

Key:  + = clinched league title

The school listed on the left of each pairing is the 'visiting' team
and plays white on the odd numbered boards.

----click here for individual results-----

Rotation 1 ----------------------------------------
@ School w/o Walls---Thurs---11/4---3:30
Early Games
Gates Chili 23, Greece Arcadia 17
Spencerport 40, Webster Schroeder 0
Late Games
School w/o Walls 36, Spencerport 21
Greece Arcadia 40, Webster Schroeder 0
Last Game
Gates Chili 29, School w/o Walls 28
Rotation 2 ----------------------------------------
@ Greece Odyssey---Thurs-12/9-3:30
Early Games
Gates Chili 40, Webster Schroeder 0
Greece Arcadia 44.5, School w/o Walls 12.5
Late Games
Gates Chili 40, Spencerport 0
School w/o Walls 40, Webster Schroeder 0
Last Game
Greece Arcadia 34, Spencerport 6

Rotation 3 ----------------------------------------
@ Greece Arcadia---Thurs---1/6---3:30
Early Games
Spencerport 23, School w/o Walls 17
Greece Arcadia 40, Webster Schroeder 0
Late Games
Gates Chili 21, School w/o Walls 19
Spencerport 23.5, Webster Schroeder 16.5
Last Game
Greece Arcadia 40, Gates Chili 0

Rotation 4----------------------------------------
@ Gates Chili---Thurs---2/3---3:30
Early Games
School w/o Walls 27, Webster Schroeder 13
Greece Arcadia 42.5, Spencerport 14.5
Late Games
Webster Schroeder 20, Gates Chili 20
Greece Arcadia 30, School w/o Walls 9
Last Game
Gates Chili 27, Spencerport 13

Rotation 5----------------------------------------
@ Spencerport---Thurs---3/10---3:30
Early Games
Gates Chili 21, Greece Arcadia 19
Spencerport 21, Webster Schroeder 19
Late Games
School w/o Walls 21.5, Gates Chili 18.5
Greece Arcadia 27, Webster Schroeder 13
Last Game
School w/o Walls 34, Spencerport 6

Rotation 6 ----------------------------------------
@ Greece Arcadia---Thurs--3/31---3:30
Early Games
Gates Chili 32, Webster Schroeder 8
Greece Arcadia 40, Spencerport 0
Late Games
Gates Chili 40, Spencerport 0
Webster Schroeder 25, School w/o Wall 15
Last Game
Greece Arcadia 25, School w/o Walls 15